- Health and Wellness – A Manual
Enroll Now in Upcoming Cohorts: Project Management Specialization | Effective Teaching Strategies
Enroll Now in Upcoming Cohorts: Project Management Specialization | Effective Teaching Strategies
Our ancestors existed on the verge of hunger, whereas we live in an age where plentiful and processed calories make it hard for us to have healthy metabolisms. Western medicine has been very successful in combating infectious diseases however Ayurveda, which is a system of medicine local to the subcontinent, may be better in helping us overcome diseases of lifestyles. Ayurveda recognizes that people are different and based on these differences human bodies can be divided into 7 different body types.
Ayurveda compels us to make lifestyle choices in line with the particular needs of each body type.
This course comprises of 6 modules and throughout this course you will learn about:
Health Management | Body Science | Prevention | Treatment Avenues | Wellness Reserve | Care Plan
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Basmaa Ali, MD is a Resident Scientist at School of Science and Technology at LUMS…
Basmaa Ali, MD is a Resident Scientist at School of Science and Technology at LUMS…
This module is an introduction to the course instructor and what you can expect from this course in terms of course components and grading policy. Welcome to Health and Wellness: A Manual!
In this module we learn that we are different from each other, and our lifestyle has a deep impact on our health. We cannot choose our body types, but we can choose our lifestyles. A lifestyle that complements our natural body type leads to optimal energy and wellness, whereas a lifestyle that reinforces the not so healthy aspects of our body type opens the door to lethargy and illness. In this module we explore Ayurvedic practices and the scientific foundations behind it.
We are what we eat and assimilate. Our gut is not a passive organ into which we can just put in whatever we like and expect good health. A focus on maintaining a healthy gut and choosing foods that balance your body type are the highway to health and wellness. In this module, you will learn how your body type is impacted by what you eat and how to maintain the wellbeing of your gut.
Sleep, stress management and exercise are therapeutic tools that can pave the road to a healthy, happy and energetic you, if you choose their times, types and quantities wisely. Not paying attention to these pillars of health leads to lack of energy and illness. This module emphasizes the importance of sleep, exercise and stress management and delves deeper into how each of these plays out in your daily life.
Our age is a time of metabolic diseases which spring from unhealthy eating and exercise habits. High blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol are the primary killers of our time and the first line treatment for these conditions is good management of our lifestyles. This module will allow you to gain an understanding of these diseases and how you can change your lifestyle to manage and/or prevent them.
We live in times of high anxiety and rising depression. Humans are social by instinct and evolution. The 21st century has many tools for communication, however there is more isolation than ever before in human history. This module talks about anxiety and depression and how to use your connection to other people in treating these conditions.
You do not have infinite time or energy at your disposal. Choosing how to spend your resilience is the most important choice you will make in your life. Fortunately, it is a choice you are free to make every morning. Choosing to spend your wellness reserve on the right things is the beginning of a life well lived. This module delves into the wellness reserve, which is the reserve of energy one has, and how to maintain it while understanding what depletes your energy and what adds to it.
This course is designed for anyone who is interested in taking better care of
themselves and understanding their body and its needs. It is for people who are
looking to make lifestyle changes for better health.
Apart from a basic understanding of biology, this course does not have any
prerequisites. It caters to learners with varying levels of expertise, from beginners to
experienced people. The course will provide you with the necessary foundational
knowledge and practical techniques to make significant improvement in your life.
This is a self-paced course. The recommended duration to complete the course is
between 4-5 weeks. The course consists of engaging learning materials and
interactive activities that will guide you through the course journey.
For peer-graded assessments, you will be required to grade 2 of your peers’ work.
Similarly, you will receive a grade based on your peers’ assessment of your work.
The peer review activity will appear once in the course. The course includes a video
explaining how to use the peer assessment tool in the beginning of the course.
Absolutely! Collaboration is encouraged throughout the course. You will have the
opportunity to engage in peer discussions, provide feedback on each other’s work,
and learn from the diverse perspectives and experiences of your fellow learners.
Apart from the peer-graded assessment at the end of the course, you can engage
with you peers through the discussion forums in each module.
The Wellness Plan is a tool that will help you build a personalized care plan in
several different stages. Since it is an iterative process, you will be able to access
your Wellness Plan and make changes to it at any given time during the course. You
will submit a final version of this plan for peer grading in the last module of this
This course is self-paced, allowing you to learn at your own convenience. However,
you will have access to an online discussion forum where you can interact with
fellow learners and share insights.
Your progress for the course is always saved in your ilmX account. Whenever you
log in again, you will be able to proceed from where you left off.
The course will provide you with a variety of resources, including instructional
videos, additional readings, templates, and tools. These resources will support your
learning journey and help you apply the concepts and principles to your own life.
Yes, you will have continued access to the course materials and resources even after
completing the course. This allows you to revisit the content whenever needed and
reinforce your understanding of health and wellbeing
Yes, you have to watch all the videos to complete this course.
You will need to go through all the units and attain a 60% grade in assessments to
pass the course and get a certificate.
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us at support@ilmx.org. We will only be responding to technical support queries.
Content related queries cannot be entertained at the moment.
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