This course is intended to be a first introduction to quantum phenomena in nature. Quantum Mechanics forms the basis of our description of nature at small scales and a clear understanding of it is required to understand phenomena ranging from atoms and chemical bonding to semiconductors and nuclear physics. We will present a concise and comprehensive picture of quantum theory with emphasis on concept building. The concepts will be organized around the ideas of wave particle duality, uncertainty, superposition, entanglement, and their physical and conceptual consequences. Numerous applications to real world phenomena will be discussed throughout the course. The course also has a component that discusses the application of statistical ideas in physics and this leads to concepts of irreversibility, entropy and the energy flow inside the universe.
In this course you will learn about beginner level concepts in modern physics. This includes:
Dr. Muhammad Sabieh Anwar is Professor of Physics, and former Dean at the LUMS Syed…
Dr. Muhammad Sabieh Anwar is Professor of Physics, and former Dean at the LUMS Syed…
You will learn about the nature of quantum objects, waves, particles, the wavefunction, Born’s
interpretation, quantum interference, quantum uncertainty, and mathematical tools to describe measurement
You will learn about the quantum equation of motion (Schrodinger’s equation), quantum tunneling, and band theory
You will learn about energy, temperature, entropy, and second law of thermodynamics
You will learn about speed of light, simultaneity, time dilation, length contraction, paradoxes, and E=mc2
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